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South B <br />Regular <br />6. NEW <br />f. <br />m <br />and <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting <br />- October 12, 1984 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />approval requested for Amendment to <br />Commission <br />Agreement <br />for, Professional Services with James <br />E. <br />Childs and Associates, Inc. <br />Hunt explained that the Amendment would <br />Mr. <br />broaden <br />the scope of the original contract to <br />include <br />specific projects related to <br />enhancement <br />of River Bend Plaza. The projects <br />include <br />design work for rennovation of the <br />Newnan <br />building for the River Bend Plaza crew, <br />loo <br />ing at the State Theater for the <br />Stu <br />ebaker collection, and working with the <br />Hol <br />aday Corporation on the reopening of the <br />River <br />Bend Plaza between Wayne and Western <br />ne <br />the One Michiana Square project. <br />Cornnission <br />approval is asked to amend the <br />contract <br />to increase the amount from the <br />original <br />$50,000 to $67,000. The amounts <br />wou <br />d be $12,000 for the One Michiana <br />Square-River <br />Bend Plaza reopening and $5,000 <br />wou <br />d be for the interior rennovation of the <br />Newnan <br />building. <br />It <br />was noted for the record that Ms. Auburn <br />abstained <br />from voting. <br />Upom <br />a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by <br />Mr. Donaldson and unanimously carried, the <br />CompAssion <br />approved the Amendment to Agreement <br />for <br />Professional Services with James E. Childs <br />and <br />Associates, Inc. <br />Co <br />ssion authorization requested for <br />Executive <br />Director to submit a request to the <br />Board <br />of Public Works to advertise for, accept <br />and <br />award bids for public rovements related <br />to the <br />One Michiana Square project. <br />Hunt explained that this was normal <br />Mr. <br />procedure <br />to go to the Board of Public Works <br />because <br />the Department of Redevelopment does <br />not <br />have the capacity to put the documents <br />together <br />for bid. He stated that this <br />involved <br />mostly the reopening of River Bend <br />Pla <br />a between Wayne and Western Avenue and <br />also <br />to open the wall around the fountain on <br />the <br />south end of the River Bend Plaza. <br />Upo <br />a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Ms. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />-7- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE <br />AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH <br />JAMES E. CHILDS AND ASSOCIATES, <br />INC. <br />