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South Bend <br />Regular Mee <br />6. NEW BUS <br />j. Con <br />elopment Commission <br />- October 12, 1984 <br />(Cont.) <br />Comnission authorized the Executive Director <br />to submit a request to the Board of Public <br />Wor s to advertise for, accept and award bids <br />for public improvements related to the parking <br />gar age project on Parcel 4 -42, 4 -43 and part <br />of -44 in the Central Downtown Urban Renewal <br />Area, R -66 <br />Mr. Hunt reported that the Business and <br />Technology Center unofficially opened and they <br />are still working on the rennovation of that <br />building. The Sheffer's project in the old <br />Sonneborn building and the Holladay <br />Corporation's project in the old Indiana Bell <br />building are progressing. In Monroe Park, the <br />Holladay Corporation has finished their second <br />building and have three tenants already in the <br />new building. Curtis Products has completed <br />most of their site preparation work to start <br />the construction of their 60,000 s.f. <br />building. Panzica Development has the site <br />preparation completed and has footings in <br />place or their 14,000 s.f. building. Coming <br />on line yet this year in Monroe Park will be <br />the S1 tsky -Peltz project and Crescent <br />Electric's new building on Monroe Street. <br />8. NEXT C"USSION MEETING <br />The ne Regular Meeting of the Commission <br />will held on Friday, October 26, 1984 at <br />10:00 .m. <br />9. SLIDE <br />10. <br />Karen Kiemnec of Historic Preservation gave a <br />slide presentation of a study of historical <br />industrial buildings in South Bend. <br />There being no further business to come before <br />the Conrnission, Mr. Donaldson made a motion <br />that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Donoho <br />seconded the motion and it was unanimously <br />COMMISSION AUTHORIZED THE <br />EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO <br />SUBMIT A REQUEST TO THE <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS RE- <br />LATED TO THE PARKING <br />GARAGE PROJECT ON PARCEL <br />4 -42, 4-43 AND PART OF <br />4 -44 IN THE CENTRAL DOWN- <br />TOWN URBAN RENEWAL AREA, <br />R -66 <br />PROGRESS REPORT <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />SLIDE PRESENTATION By <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION <br />�� • - i i ja <br />