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South BE <br />Regular <br />7. NEW <br />I. <br />J• <br />k. <br />mid Redevelopment <br />Comma -ssion <br />Meeting <br />- August 12, 1983 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />authorization requested to publibh <br />Corrmission <br />Notice <br />of Intended Sale of Disposition Parcel <br />8 -1 <br />in the Central Downtown Urban Renewal Area <br />(Indiana <br />R -66), with receipt of bids to be at <br />10:00 <br />a.m, on September 6, 1983. <br />a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />Upor <br />by Ms. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, <br />au <br />orization to publish Notice of Intended <br />Sal <br />of Disposition Parcel 8 -1 in the Central <br />Do <br />town Urban Renewal Area (Indiana R -66), <br />witl <br />receipt of bids to be at 10:00 a.m. on <br />September <br />6, 1983, was granted. <br />Cormission <br />authorization requested to <br />adv <br />rtise for bids for exterior rehabilitation <br />of <br />'s Grocery Store in Monroe Park, <br />contingent <br />on approval of plans by the Sate <br />Historic <br />Preservation Officer. <br />Pitts presented the work of <br />Mr. <br />Ma <br />ews- Purucker- Annella Architects who <br />rec <br />ived the award to submit rehabilitation <br />plans <br />for Max's Grocery. He explained that <br />these <br />plans have been approved by the <br />Administrative <br />Building Council of the State <br />of Indiana <br />and are presently being reviewed by <br />the <br />State Historic Preservation Officer. <br />Upor <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unaninriuslv carried,. <br />auu <br />orization to advertise for bids for <br />exterior <br />rehabilitation of Max's Grocery Store <br />in. Monroe <br />Park, contingent on approval of <br />plans <br />by the State Historic Preservation <br />Officer, <br />was granted. <br />Convission <br />authorization requested to enter <br />intc <br />an agreement with an architect for <br />fe <br />ation of specifications for rehabilitati <br />of the <br />LaSalle - Fillmore Neighborhood Center. <br />Mrs. <br />Kolata explained that this agreement <br />1.nv <br />lved some site improvements, <br />rehabilitation <br />of existing mobile classrooms, <br />and <br />moving and rehabilitation of two <br />additional <br />mobile classrooms to the <br />LaS <br />lle- Fillmore Neighborhood Center to be <br />used <br />for the Neighborhood Outreach Program. <br />-12- <br />on <br />APPROVAL TO PUBLISH NOTICE <br />OF INTENDED SALE OF DISPOSITION <br />PARCEL 8 -1 IN THE CENTRAL <br />DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL AREA <br />WITH RECEIPT OF BIDS TO BE <br />AT 10:00 A.M. ON SEPTEMBER 6, <br />1983 <br />AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO ADVER- <br />TISE FOR BIDS FOR EXTERIOR <br />REHABILITATION OF MAX'S GROCERY <br />STORE IN MONROE PARK, CONTINGENT <br />ON APPROVAL OF PLANS BY THE <br />STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION <br />OFFICER <br />