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South Bend 4edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - August 12, 1983 . <br />7. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />k. Continued... <br />Aft Ex discussions with the Engineering and <br />Bureau of Housing staff regarding the <br />specifications it was determined that the <br />plans would have to be approved by the State <br />Adndnistrative Building Council and that they <br />need to be signed plans by an architect or <br />engineering firm. Therefore, we requested <br />prorosals from three firms and received one <br />pro sal from Mathews - Purucker- Annella. The <br />fee will.not exceed $5,300 plus reimbursable <br />ex uses. <br />Upo a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO ENTER <br />by Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH MATHEWS- <br />au orization to enter into an agreement with PURUCKER- ANELLA FOR PREPARATION <br />Ma ews-Purucker Anella for preparation of OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR REHAB- <br />specifications for rehabilitation of the ILITATION OF THE LASALLE- FILLMO <br />LaS lle- Fillmore Neighborhood Center was NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER <br />grafted. <br />1. Commission approval requested for public <br />utility easement deeds and it -claim deeds <br />for additional right-of-way, all in the Monroe <br />Sam le DeveloiD ment Area. <br />Mr. Pitts presented a utility map showing what <br />I &M, NIPSCO, and Indiana Bell stated they <br />needed for access in the Monroe Sample <br />Development Area. From this map Lang- Feeney <br />prepared legal descriptions and the City <br />Att ey's office prepared the necessary legal <br />docu#ientation to permit utility right -of -way. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded AUTHORIZATION GRANTED FOR <br />by Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT DEEDS <br />approval and authorization for public utility AND QUIT -CLAIM DEEDS FOR <br />easement deeds and quit -claim deeds for ADDITIONAL RIGHT -OF -WAY, ALL <br />additional right -of -way, all in the Monroe IN THE MONROE SAMPLE DEVELOP- <br />S le Development Area, was granted. DENT AREA <br />m. Commission approval requested for Resolution <br />No. 687 commending Lloyd E. Robinson, Sr., fl <br />meritorious service on the Redevelopment <br />Commission. <br />Mr. imtz announced that Commissioner Robinson <br />resigned effective August 1, 1983. Mr. Nimtz <br />expressed regret about Mr. Robinson's <br />resignation and read Resolution No. 687 to the <br />-13- <br />