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South BE <br />Regular <br />6. NEW <br />a. <br />C. <br />Q <br />-nd Redevelopment <br />Commission <br />Meeting <br />- April 8, 1983 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />Continued... <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded <br />by <br />. Robinson and unanimously carried, the <br />contract <br />with Community Development (CD 83 -601) <br />was <br />approved. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for a contract <br />with <br />Community Development related to the Monroe <br />Park <br />Development Activity (CD 83 -602). <br />Kolata stated that this contract relates to <br />Mrs. <br />the <br />Monroe Park Activity and is in the amount of <br />$75,000 <br />to finish out the final acquisition and <br />relocation <br />payments. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded <br />by ns. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, the con- <br />tract <br />with Community Development (CD 83 -602) <br />was approved. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for a' contract <br />with <br />Community Development related to the East <br />Bank <br />Developmen t Activity (CD 83 -604). <br />Kolata explained that this contract is for <br />Mrs. <br />the East <br />Bank area for acquisition, relocation, <br />clearance, <br />public improvements and planning <br />actilrities <br />in the amount of $390,000. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Robinson <br />and unanimously carried, the con- <br />tract. <br />with Community Development (CD 83 -604) was <br />approved. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for a contract <br />with <br />Community Development related to the Stude- <br />baker <br />Industrial Corridor Activity (CD 83 -605). <br />Mrs. <br />Kolata stated that this contract relates to <br />the Studebaker <br />Industrial Corridor in the amount <br />of $ <br />50,000 and allows for some public improve- <br />ment <br />, clean up of existing conditions and some <br />marketing <br />activities. <br />Mr. Robinson <br />questioned whether the clean up <br />would <br />be on private or public property. <br />Mrs. <br />Kolata responded that it would have to be <br />in the <br />public right of way, it would not be on <br />privately <br />owned property. What we anticipate <br />on the <br />public improvements is working along with <br />-5- <br />MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE; <br />A CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT (CD 83 -601) <br />MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE <br />A CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT (CD 83 -602) <br />MO`T'ION WAS MADE TO APPROVE <br />A CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT (CD 83 -604) <br />