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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />4. <br />relopment Commission <br />April 8, 1983 <br />( font. ) <br />Auburn responded that we are not bailing them <br />out, that we are making every effort to make it <br />attractive and viable to stay open as an ongoing <br />business but from a public policy starfdpoint we <br />can't say that we are willing to pay any price <br />to do th t. <br />Mrs. Schwartz stated that Mr. Piasecki raises a <br />good point for the Commission from the standpoint <br />of what the Commission is legally able to do. The <br />monies tliat were paid for the purchase of the land <br />from South Bend Screw Products are obviously under <br />the guidelines that we operate under as a Redevelop- <br />ment C ssion using federal funds and no monies <br />were expended that are not legally allowed to be <br />expended based on reasonable appraisals and consid- <br />ering all circumstances. The rental arrangement <br />that Sou Bend Screw Products would be operating <br />under has, the provisions for payback which the Com- <br />mission has used in other circumstances in order <br />to facilitate relocation in the City of South Bend. <br />What is proposed today will not result in incurring <br />any cost not permissible to the Commission. As far <br />as the continuation of the utilities and so forth <br />we have been able to arrange matters so that there <br />will not be any expenditures of cost that would not <br />be othen7ise expended by the Commission. <br />Mrs. Kol to commented that everyone in the community <br />has been working diligently to try to keep this busi- <br />ness in South Bend. <br />Mr. Nimt called the question and the motion passed <br />unanimou ly. <br />5. OLD <br />There wad no old business. <br />6. NEW <br />a. <br />for a contract with <br />related to Redevelo <br />CD <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the contract with <br />Commimity Development is related to the Redevel- <br />opment Administration budget. Earlier this <br />year a contract was passed with Community Devel- <br />opment for the first three months of this year. <br />This contract would cover administrative costs <br />from April l until December 31, 1983 and it is <br />in e amount of $297,500.00. <br />MAC <br />MOTION WAS MADE TO MAKE <br />AN OFFER TO THE KAWNEER <br />COMPANY, INC., REGARDING <br />SOUTH BEND SCREW PRODUCTS <br />AND THE EAST RACE PROJECT <br />THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />