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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 25, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUS MSS (Continued) <br />c. Continued... <br />Mr. Inks asked if Mr. Robinson was not upset <br />with the fact that this contractor, being a <br />sole proprietorship, under -bid the other be- <br />cause he was not paying himself the same wages. <br />Mr. Robinson stated he was upset about it but <br />there is nothing he can do about that; that it <br />is it federal law and he knows the law very well, <br />probably better then Mr. Inks. <br />Mr. Hunt stated that Mr. Ink's point is well <br />tak in the sense of setting a precedent with <br />this action today. He thinks that we can't <br />reject every bid that's the lowest and best <br />bid because it has a sole proprietorship. <br />Ms. Auburn stated that she didn't think that <br />that was the reason of the action. She really <br />had a question on the bid spread. <br />Mr. Nimtz explained that Ms. Schwartz pointed <br />that out, that it is a question of what is the <br />best bid. <br />Mr. Piasecki stated that's the reason why he <br />asked to see the highest and lowest bids, to <br />see what actually the difference is. Apparently <br />the *e must be some great difference. <br />Mr. Robinson explained that we have changed <br />policy on this Commission many times. It used <br />to be that we didn't go along with the lowest <br />bid we went along with what the Bureau of <br />Housing selected, the one that was closest to <br />their estimates, anything below it we used to <br />refuse. But then we decided if the guy is <br />willing to take the chance and lose money we <br />wou d accept the low bid and so we changed <br />the policy -then. <br />Mr. <br />of <br />Hunt asked for a clarification for the Bureau <br />ousing, because we will receive many bids <br />on sole proprietorship and instead of re <br />ing them immediately what the Commission is <br />ng is they are making decisions based upon <br />r concern about the bid spread l and secondly <br />t the quality of work that will be done. <br />-10- <br />