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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 25, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUS$NESS (Continued) <br />c. Continued... <br />Ms.�Derbeck asked if the sole proprietor that <br />we re talking about is Reese and Sons contractor. <br />Mr. <br />Ms. <br />Mr. <br />Ms. <br />Hunt stated it was the subcontractor. <br />Derbeck asked who the subcontractor is. <br />Robinson stated that's not in here. <br />Derbeck asked how Mr. Robinson knew this. <br />Mr.�Robinson explained he asked as a ConmLission- <br />er nd was informed of this .information: <br />Ms. Derbeck asked if they were rejecting it <br />because they feel that the quality of work will <br />be roded. The reason for that being that the <br />CormLission has seen poor work done by this con- <br />tractor or because they don't think the bid is <br />hig4 enough. <br />Mr. Robinson said he questioned the quality of <br />worR that will be performed, yes. <br />Ms. Derbeck stated because it isn't high enough. <br />Mr. obinson stated that'. what makes the world <br />go around is money. <br />Ms. Derbeck said that she agreed with Mr. Robin- <br />son that there is such a thing as giving your <br />approval to be able to do the job properly. <br />Mr. Robinson said he questioned the quality that <br />might be performed on this job. <br />Mr. Piasecki stated that a thousand times in the <br />past we have had people cane back. He is not <br />saying that they will cane back in this case, and <br />ask Eor more money and he doesn't think that's <br />Mr. Nimtz asked if there were any other questions, <br />if not they will move on. <br />The next item was the awarding of the contract <br />concerning the Priscilla Dill contract. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Ms. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, the contract was <br />awarded to Aardvark Construction for 714 West <br />Washington in the amount of $18,670. <br />-11- <br />MOTION WAS MADE TO AWARD <br />THE BID FOR PRISCILLA DILL, <br />714 W. WASHINGTON, TO AARD- <br />VARK CONST. CO. FOR $18,670 <br />