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South Bend edevelopment Ccmnission <br />Regular Meeting - February 25, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) <br />c. Continued... <br />Mr. Hunt asked what would happen if Mr. Reese <br />comes back in with a new electrical contractor <br />and is still under the next lowest bid which is <br />about $12,400 compared to his $10,000. <br />Mr. Robinson stated that he was not really sure <br />it's just the electrical contractor we are com- <br />pla ning about. He stated that he personally <br />felt: that there might be an erosion in the quality <br />of work that he thinks these people are entitled <br />to. He stated that they have enough problems in <br />life. He stated that it wasn't singled out to be <br />the electrical contractor it just happens to be <br />the pursuit that he followed. <br />Mr. Piasecki stated that was the reason why he <br />vot d on that. <br />Ms. Schwartz stated that bids have already been <br />rec ived and the time for receiving bids is <br />closed so it is her interpretation that we would <br />have to decide based on the bids that we already <br />havr= in hand rather than adjust any bids, due to <br />sub ontractors bids which haven't been received. <br />Mr. Piasecki said that he can't see where they <br />can Po the same work for $10,000 and the next <br />one for $27,000. <br />Mr. Inks asked whether the Commission action was <br />taken even though there were more factors to con- <br />sider than just the electrical workers,and whether <br />we have just rewritten the federal law for our <br />own program and state that sole proprietorships <br />fall under the same wage determination as do all <br />othe businesses. <br />Mr. obinson said we know that they do; we have <br />not hanged the federal law whatsoever. <br />Mr. Inks commented that Mr. Robinson is saying <br />that there is a federal loophole; that he is <br />sayiiig that your local process has just changed <br />the Law to close that. <br />Mr. Robinson said no, he did not. He said that <br />he thinks that the quality of work has been <br />eroded but he said that it is a loophole in the <br />law md that was just one of his reasons why he <br />was upset with what is happening with these <br />type of people. <br />