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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />c. conftinued... <br />We aould like to bring it to the attention of the <br />Com ission that this property is adjacent to the <br />Stu ebaker Corridor and many of the conditions that <br />exist in that Corridor area,which made it eligible <br />as a tax abatement impact area, are present here. <br />The property has been vacant and has been rather un- <br />pro uctive with respect to jobs. This is going to <br />res It in substantial investment in the area, sub - <br />sta tial improvements of the tax base of an area which <br />currently is not productive and we will also have 75 <br />new jobs that are being created in the community. <br />That reflects around $1 million in payroll and we feel <br />that if we put that all together that _there is an <br />exc llent case here for tax abatement. <br />Mr. Donaldson asked if Resolution 645 would apply to <br />thi abatement. <br />Mr. <br />Mr. <br />try <br />hel i <br />McMahon stated that it would. <br />Robinson asked if the people that are employed now <br />ing to renovate the structure were hired from local <br />or were they brought in from Fort Wayne. <br />Mr. Szarwark stated that they are both local and from <br />out of town. <br />Mr. Robinson stated that when we approve abatements it <br />is upposed to benefit the citizens of South Bend and <br />not somebody else that they import in to do work. <br />Mr. Szarwark stated that in terms of development for <br />the benefit of South Bend, we are taking a parcel of <br />rea estate which has been traditionally unproductive. <br />Poll data indicates that during the last period for <br />whi h we have statistics, new commercial vacancies <br />out umber the new commercial establishments by 3 to 1. <br />The real estate in question is also next to a section <br />of ensus Tract 27 which is in the southwest neighbor - <br />hoo strategic target area. The southwest neighborhood <br />pla ning profile characterized this particular area as <br />dow ward transitional, suffering from a 49.9 per cent <br />pop lation decrease since 1960. It is also suffering <br />fron a high rate of vacancies and substandard struc- <br />tur s. What we are going to do is put in new build- <br />ing , possibly $1 million worthiof new buildings, and <br />9 <br />