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South Bend redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUS NESS (continued) <br />b. continued... <br />Ms. Auburn stated that as she reads the Resolution, <br />it oesn't state any of the obligations of an employer <br />to adhere to any of the wage and hour laws. The PIC <br />Cou cil operates under the CETA Act and that has pro- <br />visions that all of the union negotiated contract pro- <br />visions have to be adhered to. If they work for a <br />uni n contractor and earn union contract wages, they <br />would be earning the prevailing wage rate for that <br />particular job and for that particular company. Ms. <br />Aub rn liked the idea of firming our commitment to <br />employment opportunities and tying this together with <br />tax abatement and other programs. <br />On motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by Mr. Robin- RESOLUTION NO. 645 APPROVED <br />son and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 645 was <br />app oved. <br />Ms. Jeanne Derbeck asked if this Resolution was <br />ret oactive. Mr. McMahon replied that it was not. <br />c. Commission consideration requested for a tax abate- <br />men re uest relative to an area commonly referred <br />to its 1120 West Sample Street Metal Resources <br />ation <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the owner, Metal Resources <br />Corporation, represented by their attorney, Mr. Ernest <br />Sza wark, filed a request with the City Clerk and <br />reviewed by this office. We feel that the area is <br />eligible to be declared an urban development area. <br />It Is an 18 acre site in the 1100 block of West <br />Sample Street, near the Studebaker Corridor. There <br />is currently some rehabilitation of an existing build- <br />ing underway. That portion of the project is not to <br />be ncluded. The segment of the portion of the pro- <br />jecr which will be subject to tax abatement is the <br />new structures that will be constructed in conjunction <br />with the new business activity on the site. It is our <br />understanding that there will be five structures along <br />with the necessary fencing and other site work. The <br />total estimated cost of the improvements that are part <br />of the petition is just over $1 million. The land is <br />currently zoned "E ", and all city utilities are present. <br />The use of the property is going to be a metal recycling <br />center. <br />R <br />