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South Bend redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />c. continued... <br />we are going to establish 75 new jobs, with over <br />$1 nillion per year in payroll. We are also going <br />to tuy a substantial amount of new machinery that is <br />goi g to be placed in these structures and on this <br />pro erty. That means that the machinery will also <br />rea h the tax base. We are providing jobs for local <br />peo le. That is a definite benefit to the community. <br />We are also going to be providing a product. good, <br />low-cost product locally for local manufacturing <br />pla ts. So this is the sort of project I think that <br />deserves tax abatement both from the standpoint of <br />making unproductive land within the City productive <br />and in terms of providing additional jobs and payroll <br />increase to the City of South Bend. If you have any <br />further questions, Mr. Rifkin, the president of the <br />com any, and Mr. Jack Dunfee, Jr., my partner, who <br />has assisted the company in acquiring these parcels, <br />will be glad to answer any questions you have. <br />Mr. Robinson asked if the company was going to import <br />hel in here other than top management or are they <br />goi g to use local help. <br />Mr.lSzarwark stated it would be local help. <br />On z motion made by Ms. Auburn and seconded by Mr. <br />Don ldson, the staff report was approved, recommending <br />tax abatement for 1120 West Sample Street. Let the <br />record show that Mr. Robinson voted against this <br />request. <br />d. Commission approval requested to amend the current <br />Consulting Agreement with Edward G. Dunbar, Jr., re- <br />lating to the Studebaker Corridor Project. <br />and <br />e. Commission approval requested to amend the current <br />wn r Arc itect Agreement with at ews -Puruc er- <br />Anella, Inc., relating to the Studebaker Corridor <br />n - -, - -+ <br />and <br />10 <br />