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South Bend redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />a. conttinued... <br />Mr. McMahon stated that this is a loan that was pre - <br />vio sly approved. The Bureau of Housing is recom- <br />men ing the low bidder and would request your <br />app oval. <br />On i motion by Ms. Auburn, seconded by Mr. Donald- <br />son and unanimously carried, the proposal for the <br />Sec ion 312 Loan Program was approved and granted <br />to ngle Construction Company. <br />b. Co m ission approval requested for Resolution No. <br />645 affirming the Commission's intention to <br />i nt prate the targeted .fobs orocirarii into the tax <br />abatement process. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that we would like to formally <br />establish a policy of the Redevelopment Commission <br />that if the City becomes involved in various assis- <br />tance to businesses, that along with that assistance <br />we receive a commitment from that firm or business <br />to assist us in participating in placing disadvantaged <br />individuals through the job targeting program that we <br />are currently operating. We had attempted to do that <br />over the course of the last year since we have ini- <br />tia ed our targeted jobs activity. Marriott is an <br />example of a firm which has benefited from public <br />involvement in the building process and, now that <br />they are hiring., is giving us a great deal of <br />assistance and cooperation of placing people with <br />their firm. We thought it would be appropriate to <br />est blish a policy where we ask businesses to give <br />us issistance and cooperate with us to the greatest <br />deg ee possible. <br />Mr. Robinson asked if there was a minimum wage set <br />for people hired through the Targeted Jobs Program. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that there was not, that most <br />of the people here are funneled to us through the <br />CETA program and CETA may have some particular re- <br />str ction with respect to wages. We are not attempt- <br />ing to modify on that, we are simply trying to im- <br />plement that program. <br />7 <br />