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South Bend Commission <br />Rescheduled �edevelopment <br />Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (continued) <br />d. conttinued... <br />dis ussed previously and we are now in a position <br />to formally execute the contract. The contract <br />cov rs a 26 -week period and we are sharing the cost <br />of the study with St. Joseph Bank & Trust Company. <br />The total cost of the contract is $78,000.00 plus <br />rei bursables not to exceed $15,000.00. <br />On a motion by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Donald- COMMISSION APPROVED AGREE - <br />son and unanimously carried, the request to approve MENT WITH THE AMERICAN CITY <br />an agreement with The American City Corporation,which CORPORATION <br />is relative to Century Mall, was approved. <br />e. Com ission approval requested for Homesteading Agree- <br />men s with the following individuals: <br />Na <br />Address <br />Leha Harley 409 East Haney <br />Eduardo & Herminia Romero 811 East Milton <br />Katy Baumgartner stated that these houses were award- <br />ed to other individuals and, for various reasons, the <br />ind'viduals.backed out of the program. In these cases <br />another drawing was held if more than two people were <br />int rested in the house. In all cases, the person <br />ini ially awarded the property has signed a release <br />to ny rights to the property, therefore, I would ask <br />the Commission to approve these two. <br />On a motion by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Ms. Auburn <br />and unanimously carried, the request for Homesteading <br />Agr ements with Lena Harley and Eduardo and Herminia <br />Rom ro were approved. <br />6. NEW BUSQNESS <br />a. Commission approval requested for the following Section <br />312 Loan Program proposal in accordance with recommen- <br />dation of the Bureau of Housing. <br />Name I Contractor Amount <br />Frank Bianicki <br />Engle Construction Company $3,211.92 <br />[.1 <br />