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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Reschedule Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />p. continued... <br />that are interested in redevelopment property. We <br />don't have the legal description complete and I would <br />ask that it be approved subject to addition of the <br />legal description for the area that these covenants <br />will apply to. I can describe it to you and explain <br />that we are into a technical difference of how many <br />feet and inches we are off around a couple of lots <br />and that is the reason that we haven't got it defined <br />today. The area South of Bronson Street, all along <br />Bro son Street to the railroad tracks, all the way <br />dowi to Sample Street and 23, as it swings around to <br />Lin oln Way. The only exception within this block <br />of roperties is the existing commercial properties <br />and some adjacent lots . behind them located in this <br />area. I think the lots that we are taking exception <br />to s a portion of 16 -40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35 and 34. <br />It snot unusual with an old subdivision that has <br />developed over the years that we have some disagree- <br />ments or technical problems. It is our intent that <br />the entire industrial area be reflected in this <br />leg 1 description for these covenants. <br />Ms. Auburn asked how the covenants relate to City <br />zoning requirements. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the City zoning laws address <br />screening and a number of things along that line, but <br />they aren't necessarily totally coordinated. This <br />clarifies the requirements to some degree. Secondly, <br />it addresses many more specific items that are not <br />addressed as part of our City Code. As an example, <br />it lalks about types of construction and materials <br />thal could be used for buildings within this area. <br />We ave approached that with a similar manner as we <br />haVE the Airport Industrial Park, which has given us <br />a v ry effective industrial area. <br />Ms. Auburn asked if we have technical expertise in <br />the staff to help businesses look at what the cov- <br />ena is really mean to them. <br />Mr * McMahon replied that we can and will provide that <br />assistance. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that we expect to have the design <br />gui elines and the commercial covenants at the next <br />mee ing. <br />19 <br />