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C <br />South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled) Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />p. conjtinued... <br />On liotion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by Mr. Robinson COMMISSION APPROVED COVEN <br />and unanimously carried, the covenants for the Monroe- FOR THE MONROE- SAMPLE IN- <br />Sample Industrial Park area were approved, subject to DUSTRIAL PARK <br />the approval of the legal description by legal counsel. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. McMahon stated that because of our acquisition reloca- <br />tion .activity in the Monroe- Sample area, we have found <br />that we have a need to address some weed and clean -up prob- <br />lems in the area South of Bronson Street. The Neighborhood <br />Code Enforcement has had to add a two- person clean -up crew <br />to take care of these problems and we have authorized Mrs. <br />Barnard to fill these positions, on a temporary basis, and <br />we will pay their costs. <br />Mr. Nimtz stated that we should put a time limit on this. <br />Mr. McM hon will report back to the Commission after <br />October 30 whether the clean -up crew needs to continue <br />working <br />8. COMMISSION MEETINGS <br />Mr. McM hon stated that the Commission meetings are <br />schedul d for October 9 and 23. <br />Mr. McM hon introduced the new Community Development <br />Directo Colleen Rosenfeld, and Herman Lee, who is <br />working with Kevin Horton in the Redevelopment Depart- <br />ment. <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />There b ing no further business to come before the <br />Commiss on, Mr. Robinson made a motion that the meet- <br />ing be idjourned. The motion was seconded by Ms. <br />Auburn ind unanimously carried. The meeting was <br />adjourn (d at 11:48 a.m. <br />, Pre-`�-ident <br />20 <br />cK M. <br />COMMISSION MEETINGS IN <br />OCTOBER WILL BE THE 9TH <br />AND 23RD <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />n, Executive Direc <br />