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South Bend Redevelopment Commissic <br />Reschedule Regular Meeting - Sep <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />n. and o. continued... <br />sidewalks and curbs and si <br />walks on the lot they are <br />tion that the industrial <br />We don't want them to go <br />having the new -owner of ti <br />we feel that we have prot( <br />City, but yet not put in < <br />ments. Most of the provi� <br />something that Southold cz <br />mover of the property. <br />ber 25, 1981 <br />reets, but not those side - <br />leaving. It is our inten- <br />rea will not have sidewalks. <br />n to replace sidewalks and <br />land tear them out. So, <br />cted the property of the <br />cite as strenuous require - <br />ions in the contract are <br />n pass on to the actual <br />Ms. Auburn questioned whether Southold is looking at <br />tho e vacant lots North of Bronson as the prime tar- <br />get for moving these houses. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that Hi <br />through and doing drawings <br />ingS of the houses to be m <br />drawings showing where the <br />how it would look. Southo <br />His oric Landmarks for fil <br />whe e a house of a certain <br />We re also trying to gear <br />tha are City-owned. <br />toric Landmarks is going <br />of existing streets, draw - <br />ved, and revised street <br />e new houses fit in and <br />d is working closely with <br />ing in vacant lots as to <br />size would look the best. <br />first toward those lots <br />On a motion made by Mr. Ro inson, seconded by Ms. <br />Auburn, and let the record show that the Chair <br />abstains on this vote, the House Moving and Clear - <br />anc Contract No. 1 was an roved. <br />On it motion made by Ms. Auburn., seconded by Mr. <br />Robinson, let the record show that the Chair.ab- <br />sta ns on this vote, the House Moving and Clearance <br />Contract No. 2 was approved. <br />p. Commission approval requested for Covenants. for the <br />Monroe-Sample Industrial Park. <br />Mr. McMahon explained that the covenants address <br />suc things as control of nuisances, set back re- <br />quirements, landscaping requirements, controls over <br />out ide storage, etc. They address screening in <br />various areas, they establish the types of things <br />that have to be shown to us for our review in the <br />forn of a preliminary site plan, and they establish <br />the kind of information that we expect from people <br />18 <br />