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South Bend Commission <br />Rescheduled �edevelopment <br />Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />o. Commission approval requested for House Moving and <br />Cle rance Contract No. 2. <br />Mrs Kolata explained the two contracts relate to <br />hou e moving. We are contracting with Southold <br />Heritage Foundation to clear the land by moving <br />hou es. Southold has a right to dispose of the <br />hou a as salvage which is consistent with our clear - <br />anc language in the State statute. For this ser- <br />vic we will pay Southold $1.00 per house upon com- <br />ple ion of the clearance. <br />The first contract itemizes seven possible house <br />mov s that have been identified by Historic Land- <br />mar (s and are currently vacant and under our owner - <br />shi Southold has to clear these seven houses by <br />Dec tuber 31, 1981. If they do not have a location <br />for that house to move to by December 1, they can <br />exc ude a particular house from the contract require- <br />ments. In other words, they will only clear those <br />houses that they are able to clear. We are not going <br />to hold them liable because they haven't cleared a <br />hou e that they cannot find a location for. Their <br />intention is to identify individuals that would be <br />interested in moving the houses, identify the lots <br />that they are to be moved to, assist the individual <br />in Obtaining the lot and assist them in obtaining <br />fin ncing. When all those things are in place, <br />the Southold would be able to dispose of the house <br />thr ugh the right of salvage. <br />The second contract is basically the same, but it <br />deals with one house and that house is on that par- <br />cel we talked about earlier, so it has a much shorter <br />time line. In that one, we said that they would have <br />to clear the land. by October 23, 1981. It is the date <br />of receipt of bids for that parcel. I have talked <br />abo t this with Mr. Gibney and he felt that it was <br />worth a try to see if they could get the details <br />worked out in a one- month period. If not, the house <br />wil be demolished. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that Southold would be responsible <br />for filling the hole, breaking up the foundation that <br />would be left in the property, and grading the land, <br />but they will not be responsible for a lot of things <br />that are normally required in a City demolition. <br />Nam ly, reseeding of the land and filling with top <br />soil. We are holding them liable for damage to City <br />17 <br />