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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduledl Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS continued <br />m. continued... <br />Mr. McMahon stated that because the City is involved <br />in paying for a portion ofthe project, we feel that <br />it's in the best interest that it be independent. <br />We wish to make it clear that there is no conflict <br />of interest over a financial interest in the project <br />ver us our requirements and regulatory functions. <br />Ms. Qerbeckstated that if they did find problems, <br />tha would mean a whole lot of new construction and <br />tha would be kind of late. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that he would hope that they <br />wou dn't come up with anything startling. <br />Mr. Nimtz stated that this is why we have lawyers to <br />sue architects. <br />Mr. Butler stated that normally the motion would be <br />to approve subject to Council's review and approval. <br />He uggested, though, that in this case the Commis- <br />sioi direct that a contract be prepared, because this <br />letter is not adequate. It does not spell out the <br />Sco e of Services. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that he understands that we are <br />goi g to have sufficient authorization so they can <br />get moving with that part to be resolved. <br />Mr. Butler stated that the are <br />bas cally Scope of Services and not -to- exceed, which <br />wou d put that $5,000.00 not -to- exceed'. The time with- <br />in which their services would be performed. In con- <br />cept the activities by Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc. <br />and directing the staff to prepare an appropriate <br />agr ement then authorize the President and Secretary <br />to txecute. <br />On a motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by..L,1s. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, the Commission Presi- <br />dent and Secretary were authorized to execute an agree- <br />ment with Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc., following <br />preparation and review of an appropriate agreement <br />by taff and legal counsel. <br />n. Cotission approval <br />Cle rance Contract <br />jested for House Moving and <br />and <br />16 <br />