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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Reschedulel Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />m. continued... <br />likelihood, also be employing an individual, indepen- <br />dent from the City and the project, to take a look at <br />it from the standpoint of performance with the plans <br />and specifications that have been placed on file, like <br />what we have done recently with Borger /Jones on Colum- <br />bia Place. We will be doing this and there will be <br />more than just this contract, as we close out our UDAG <br />Grant itself and meet with some of those close -out <br />audit-type requirements for inspections. We will be <br />paying for this inspection item. There are a number <br />of items that they will be addressing <br />Rolf Jensen & Associates will go through the building <br />and verify that various code requirements have been <br />met with respect to construction and respect to design <br />and management aspects of the building as far as how <br />are is are going to be used and that they have the <br />adequate facilities for that particular type of uses. <br />They will be required to certify compliance with the <br />pro ' ect on an overall basis to the Fire Marshal's <br />off ce,and also part of our certification in closing <br />out the inspections that we do on the UDAG project. <br />We ire into a very unique thing at the First Bank <br />Cen er with respect to the fact that it is multi -use <br />and we have common walls and common activites that <br />spi 1 to one area or another. Even more complex is <br />the fact that the bank building is not on the same <br />sch dule as the hotel and the hotel will be open <br />witt the bank being in various degrees of completion. <br />Various temproary items need to be addressed as well. <br />As an example, the tenants'.space in the bank are. <br />not completed and won't be completed until the tenants <br />begin to move in. There are things such as sprink- <br />lers and other types of fire code related items that <br />are not in place until someone decides that they want <br />their office to be so big and here is where the <br />sprinklers are. So we have to get in to providing <br />tem ovary protection that is available to the full <br />project in case of a problem. <br />Ms. (Auburn asked if it was a legal review or a <br />saf ty review. <br />Mr. lNimtz stated that it was both. <br />Ms. uburn then asked if there was some reason why the <br />local fire department doesn't do part of that. <br />15 <br />