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South Bend IRedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />6. _ NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />f. Commission approval requested to enter into a Con- <br />sulting A reement' with Edward G. Dunbar; Jr.; relat- <br />ing tonthe Studebaker Corridor Project; subjecteto <br />approval by the'Indiana'Department of Commerce. <br />g. Com ission approval r <br />Arc itect Agreement V <br />Inc., relating to the <br />subject t0 approval C <br />Com erce. <br />and <br />quested to enter into a Owner <br />th Mathews- Purucker - Anella, <br />Studebaker Corridor Project, <br />'the Indiana Department of <br />Mr. McMahon stated that these items all relate to <br />activity in the Studebaker Corridor area. We have <br />beei pursuing a program for the area, analyzing its <br />possibilities with respect to manufacturing and other <br />related business operations. We have been funded over <br />the course of the last year by IOOD, the Indiana Office <br />of ccupational Development, through the Department of <br />Com erce. That grant allowed us to enter into two con <br />tra is that we have under items (d) and (e). One is <br />witl Mr. Edward Dunbar, a business consultant, and the <br />sec nd is with the firm of Mathews - Purucker - Anella, <br />Inc., who are doing some evaluations from an architec- <br />tural and engineering standpoint of the facilities. <br />We 2ntered into agreement with both of them that would <br />hav2 carried us through the end of this year. Because <br />we vere successful in receiving a second grant, the <br />State has asked that we terminate our original agreements <br />eff ctive the date of their close -out on that first <br />yea's funding, which will be September 30, and, <br />sec ndly, that we reestablish new contracts that will <br />car ^y them through the next fiscal year, which we have <br />relived grant approval for. So this is somewhat <br />tec nical in that regard. <br />The two addendums that are listed under (d) and (e) <br />simply modify the date forward to September 30 from <br />December 31. Originally without that funding we were <br />attempting to carry the program until then. With the <br />additional funding we are allowed to go another year <br />and items (f) and (g) simply update our existing con- <br />tracts to reflect the next State fiscal year, which runs <br />from October 1, 1981 to September 30, 1982. We have made <br />no other additions or modifications to the contracts out- <br />side of the dates and the times. <br />11 <br />