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South Bend redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing — December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNIOATIONS (continued) <br />Mr. Nim z: Now it's not the intention of the Chair or the <br />Commission to run a re -hash of everything that went on the <br />other evening. I would be glad to have any succint com- <br />ments and so on. Mr. Lobdell of the TRANSPO Board and Mr. <br />Vogel have been in contact with me and since they were not <br />at the ,eeting the other night, they have asked to be <br />heard. lAre you the spokesman, Mr. Lobdell? <br />Mr. Lobdell: I guess to answer that, Mr. Chairman, I am <br />afraid so. Mr. ZaVisca, our General Manager of TRANSPO, <br />is well acquainted with our grant application for secur- <br />ing the parcel of land downtown,happens to be out of town <br />so Mr. Vogel and I are going to attempt to fill in in a <br />sense o the word. On that basis, I think that we should <br />stick with a prepared statement so that we get the story <br />straigh . <br />t1r. Nimtz: We're pleased to have it. <br />Mr. Lobdell: We have a review on the TRANSPO /Century Mall <br />Transfer Project and we'd just like to take a moment and <br />step back and take a look at it. First, we want to say <br />that we do want to do this project. It was at the Mayor's <br />request, shortly after he took office, that TRANSPO ini- <br />tiated t e grant application with UMTA to secure funds <br />for this land. <br />Next, we think that we do need to be downtown in the Cen- <br />tury Mall Program. Studies and planner projects under <br />earlier administrations have continued to call for the <br />TRANSPO transfer area to be located near the Century Mall <br />Project. We want to do this project. We want to do this <br />project as meeting a long time commitment for better ser- <br />vice to TRANSPO patrons, and which in general benefits <br />the Sout Bend - Mishawaka community in terms of improved <br />public transportation. <br />We also feel there is a need to move now. We have made <br />application to UMTA for this location in the Century Mall <br />area and after a number of procedural reviews, we are <br />pleased to say that UMTA, under the new Washington Ad- <br />ministration, has responded by approving our grant. I <br />say we are pleased in view of the anticipated cut backs <br />that are going to occur. Again, the funds are now avail- <br />able. W feel that in order to represent TRANSPO patrons <br />and the taxpayers in general on a proper basis, that we <br />must do verything possible to move ahead while these <br />funds ar available now. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. <br />9 <br />