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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNIgATIONS (continued) <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you, sir. <br />mission have any questions <br />did you desire to... <br />Mr. Vogul: No. <br />Do the members of the Com- <br />of Mr. Lobdell? Mr. Vogel, <br />Mr. Nim z: Any members of the Commission have any questions <br />or Comm nts that you wanted to make to Mr. Lobdell or Mr. <br />Vogel? If not, would you please leave your statement with <br />the secretary. Thank you, Jerry. <br />Mr. Lob ell: We'll leave them all around the place, Mr. <br />Chairma . <br />Mr. Nim z: We may have to run some more copies, we have <br />quite a few of the press and T.V. and screen and actors <br />guild a d so on here. The Chair would be pleased to <br />recogni e anybody else, but as I say, we are not going to <br />get int a long discussion here. I think that we spent <br />five ho rs the other night on this thing and, of course, <br />we have been on it several years. <br />Ms. Mut l: I'm Irene Mutzl of South Bend. I have an <br />article here from the South Bend Tribune dated Septem- <br />ber 23, 1981. This announces that TRANSPO did receive a <br />grant of $228,000. It also goes on to state that David <br />Wells, Fresident of the local bus system, said that now <br />they will be in a position to negotiate with the Rede- <br />velopme t Department for acquisition of a bus transfer lot <br />at the rortheast corner of Main and Jefferson. This says <br />nothing about demolishing the Odd Fellows Building to put <br />this in. So I have a feeling and I am questioning the <br />demolition of the Odd Fellows Building. This sounds to <br />me like after this grant was received should I suggest <br />that thE City Administration stepped in then and kind of <br />influenced the pushing down of the Odd Fellows Building. <br />Now I Went by the Odd Fellows Building this morning. We <br />know th t for several years we have seen the deterioration, <br />the unfortunate deterioration of that building. That <br />buildinc though is only 52 years old, so we question whe- <br />ther or not is this building safe, is it repairable? <br />From re ding of Mr. Brademas' past accomplishments, I <br />would t ink that gentleman is intelligent enough to know <br />whether or not it is repairable and I don't think that <br />he's going to do it for charity, I think it will be a <br />profit naking venture. Now if a 52 year old building <br />should te demolished, if you take 52 years old, there's <br />quite a few of us in this building, we ought to be demo- <br />lished. <br />10 <br />