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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNICATIONS (continued) <br />neeeszs y, and the expeAienee to zuccesz4utty de- <br />v eeo p e building . <br />Second, .i t appea&6 that the present Odd FeUows .6d to .ins 6at <br />to vaeu bte a toeation, in the 'utute development o6 down - <br />town, to tocate a buz tetcminat. <br />ThiAd, by d.% t the Comm>�6zion o44eA the buitding 4ot <br />pubtic ate, with of without pet4otmunee testA ctionz, and <br />Zet the 4tee entetcptrize zystems take oven.. <br />In view o4 these unanzwe&ed questions and the appatcent de- <br />,siu e o4 one of mote individuatz to devetop the building, I <br />wound ge that the Redevetopment Commils6ion not awatd a <br />demo on t at this tune. <br />I would <br />teas o naL <br />t,m t at� <br />We also <br />is writt <br />culty re <br />Chet suggest that the Comm,izzion estabtish a <br />time pet,i,od, in which deve2opeu cou.Cd make one <br />t to deve.Cop the <br />SinceAe2 y, <br />S/ <br />Lew" A. McGann <br />Ptesident <br />lave -a letter from David Albert, attorney, which <br />?n in sort of old english script. I had diffi- <br />iding it. I don't know... <br />Mr. Robinson: I had a little bit of a problem with it. <br />Mr. Nim�z: Have the Commissioners gone over this? <br />Mr. Donaldson: I haven't read it. <br />Ms. Auburn: I tried. <br />Mr. McMahon: The letter basically states that he appre- <br />ciated the meeting with us the other night, having an <br />opportunity to speak, and that he would hope that the <br />Commission would give consideration to extending the <br />efforts to save the building. I think that's a capsul- <br />ized sum ary of what was sated in this letter, Mr. <br />Nimtz. <br />0 <br />COMMUNICATION FROM COUNCIL <br />PRESIDENT LEWIS McGANN WAS <br />ACKN0WLEDGED AND PLACED ON <br />FILE (RE: ODD FELLOWS <br />BUILDING DEMOLITION) <br />COMMUNICATION RECEIVED <br />FROM DAVID ALBERT WAS <br />SUMMARIZED AND PLACED <br />ON FILE (RE: ODD FELLOWS. <br />BUILDING DEMOLITION) <br />