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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNIgATIONS (continued) <br />In zurnmxty, it is my hope that be6ote demolition eont aets <br />cute avivided.. the Commission and the sta66 catte6utty tteview <br />a t, in6 tcmati.on bttought to .tight at ouA meeting " wet2 ass <br />at t. othcA .in6tuencing 6actoAz a66ecting the potentiae o6 <br />the Odd Fet tows, ass a &ehabititabte stAuetutte. <br />A6 d.i66 Butt, tedious, and agonizing ass youA e66oAt6 to <br />,save the buitding have been I tAust you wilt. take one t"t <br />took be- Otte ,in6.6uing yvutc 4inat vehd.ict. There may yet be <br />the opp ttunity to tvin jaituAe into zucce6z. <br />Again thank you 4ott youA eoopettation with the Council. <br />Re,s pee tju22y, <br />S/ <br />John Voottde <br />Chan man <br />Human Re6outcee,5 6 Economic <br />Deveeopment Committee <br />And ther here is a letter from Mr. McGann handed to me this <br />morning: <br />DecembeA 3, 1981 <br />Pitt. F. Jay Nimtz <br />South B nd Redevetopment Commi.5.6 ion <br />County- tity Buitding <br />South B nd, IN 46601 <br />Deatt Mtt. N,imtz: <br />I wound tike to thank you, the Commi�lsion Membeu, and the <br />Redevet pment Sta�6 Gott attending ouA Committee meeting on <br />Monday. 16eet that eveAyone now hays a betteA undeutand- <br />ing o6 Afte process th.aat.wals used in consideAing devetopeu <br />Gott the Odd FeUoviz Building. <br />I /stiu have seveAat queationz the Comm.izzion'Is <br />deci,sio4 that the Odd Fet2owls Bu tding ,ins unable to be de- <br />veloped land th.eAe6otte lshou2d be demoti6hed. <br />FiUt, c <br />app ea" <br />nd pttobabty most .impotrtant, why didn't the Commis - <br />e cote negotiation frights to Mt. Bttademaz, when it <br />he hats the ptanz, the tenants, the <br />7 <br />COMMUNICATION FROM COUNCIL - <br />MAN JOFIN VOORDE WAS ACKNOW- <br />LEDGED AND PLACED ON FILE <br />(RE: ODD FELLOWS BUILDING <br />DEMOLITION) <br />