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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Pee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNIQATIONS (continued) <br />two dev opetu who maintain tuethec vigococusty they ace <br />ready, wiUing, and able to pnoeeed with tehabiitation. <br />The devclopeu even all -uded to the pvzzibitity o6 a <br />joint v ntuxe. whetce they have been fudged ,inadequate <br />in the past, petchaps now they otc any othetus can show new <br />detaited evidence they can peA4mm. I shoutd add, any <br />pnopots using the $200,000 in Community rDevetopment <br />6und6 shoutd be used stt ictty on a Ninety pay -back bay iz; <br />and o6 douue, as it is the desi&e o6 apputentty eveAyone <br />eoncecn d, to bt ing thin to tcezotution expeditiowsty us <br />ptudence. attowts any heron idetcation by the Comm""ion <br />,shoutd be hoc oney a .6pecli6ic petc.iod o4 time. One de- <br />vetopex mentioned 90 days. 16 this iz a xea�i6tic tength <br />o J time to put a package tog etheA ",su ing peA6ocmanee, <br />I 'sugg t the ceock .5tatut cunning a�teA the 6iAzt of the <br />yecft by which time any changes in the Commission it�set6 <br />w.(U ha e been cea2.%zed. <br />3. 1--inatty, with "Home Rute" gcawting the Mayot and <br />the Cou e-,2 ditect appointments to the Commizz ion the <br />makeup J4 the Comm.i "ion may change and with it the des.itce <br />to eo nue .eJ /3otrt�s to save the buitding. <br />None o6lthe above need to be eonzideced o6 eouAze, i6 there <br />axe eomOeU,incf ceatsows to demoti6h the buitding. <br />To date the ptcimati.y xecusows hoc demot Lion o4jetced have <br />been: <br />1. Ttanzpols dezite to proceed with duign o6 the i& <br />"hoped hoc" new 6aciZity. <br />2. The potentiae tia itity incutviced by the City exam <br />a Ding tma cotta. <br />Answett. g the �.i&zt ceazon I "k .i6 thetce woutd be any xea- <br />zon Tca po coutd not wait a white tongetc? <br />Addxests ng the ti,abit ty quation, it hat, been pointed out <br />may inv the the expend.ituAe of isubtstaantiat funds to weathete- <br />.ize and "make za�e" the sPLuetute. 16 tehab,i Pitat ion i6 to <br />be cons exed, thin eoutd eat iZy be tooked upon ass an in- <br />vestment .in �yutuAe tax cetutws and �shou.2d too be negotiated <br />.in any evetopec'z pcopotsat. <br />Again, �he key izzue temainz, -us these eompet ing reason to <br />take th buitding down now? <br />I. <br />