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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee i ng — December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNIOATIONS <br />Mr. Nim z: We are going to move up the Communications. <br />We have two letters. A letter From Councilman Voorde: <br />aeeembetc 2, 1984 <br />M&. F. ay N"imtz <br />Attotnet at Law <br />511 W. ot4ax Avenue <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />aeaA Mk.l N.initz: <br />I take Aiz oppotttunity to exWLas my deepest appte.ei:- <br />ation to you, to membeu o4 the Commission, " wet 2 as <br />M.k. McMahon and the Redeveeopment sta4i 4otL your coop - <br />eAation with the CouncU',s Human Ruounca and Economic <br />IDevetopnent Committee. A/s Mn. McMahon Iso /succ.i.nct2y <br />noted the expnes/s ed punpos e o4 the meeting ways to b k <br />va souls "ntetAe/sted pattti.e/s togetheA in one 4otut.m to out- <br />tine the 4acts ke:eat ve to the ptoeess Redevetopmevit went <br />through overt the past seveitat yearns in theiA attempt to <br />tcezotve the 4ate o4 the Odd FeUows 8uitding and to cteaA <br />the aiA o4 any allegation o4 obstucetc.on otc wrongdoing on <br />anyone'ls pcut t in deuti.ngs with potenti.a,2 devekopetus. In <br />2ange measute she above punpolses weAe saVz4actokity <br />addAe/s s e d. <br />An undeAtying puApols e �o& the meeting and maybe the pAi- <br />matt.y tea6on I and others on the Coune"it got ,involved at <br />th,/s tate date ways that by th i /s adm.i tted.2 y eu try otc y but <br />unique Aeview, some in4onmation might come to tight that <br />would p ompt the sta44 and commission to cons.ideA theit <br />deci/s,io to demot, sh the buitdi:ng. <br />The que/s on now is, were any tce eevant 6ae is btcought to <br />fight that would pt ompt such a nev.iew? <br />In my opinion seveAat oblseAvationz bean eon.6idettati,on: <br />1. Overt the past two yeasts inteAest tcates and inve/st- <br />ment ea "tat avaitabte 4otc deve.2opett,.s attemtping to put <br />a viabZe package togetheA have been at tesz than conducive <br />tevet to /say the .east. Recent development, howeveA, <br />indicate an im pt o ving climate pe.,%haps making something <br />4ea,sibte today that ways not yesteAday. <br />2. Even in tight o4 the un6avonabte economic condi- <br />tiom o6 the t ecent past there Est t seeniz to be at tea�st <br />k" <br />