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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />9. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING (continued) <br />Mr. Voo de: All along I have maintained that I can't <br />pretend to pass myself off as an expert and, obviously, <br />you haVE done two to three years work on this and we <br />have just come in at the eleventh hour at the bidding <br />of someone who said, hey, wait a minute, I think it can <br />be done So, I am not going to pretend to say that they <br />are abs lutely right and you're absolutely wrong, but <br />there did seem to be a couple of questions, namely , <br />whether or not there was a compelling reason to bring it <br />down now, you may think that from a liability standpoint <br />there is. The other question was, that no one answered, <br />was also TRANSPO going to lose there money if the 90 -day <br />extensi n was granted. <br />Mr. f1cM hon: I think that the comment that's been made <br />by TRAM PO as far as they are extremely concerned about <br />their grant and feel that they have to move forward as <br />fast as possible for fear of losing their money, because <br />they ha e no control over what happens in Washington, <br />what is rescinded and what is grandfathered through. <br />They arE extremely concerned about not moving ahead, and <br />if the dd Fellows area could not be included in the area <br />considered by TRANSPO, then it would have to be submitted <br />with so e other area. One of the considerations that we <br />offered for the Commission to consider was that we felt <br />that that area was the best area for TRANSPO to be located <br />in light of the future development of Century Mall and to <br />make thE balance of the parcel most attractive to invest- <br />ment. 1he question or comment made earlier that, I be- <br />lieve My. Brademas said, certainly there's no question <br />that 20C workers would have an impact on rehab, we cer- <br />tainly agree with that. That's the whole reason that <br />we're tying to market the block and we feel that from <br />an office and retail standpoint that Rouse was correct <br />in their original recommendation and they have restated <br />that recently to us that the bus terminal should be along <br />Washington Street. The Washington Street location did <br />pose some problems to TRANSPO without exposure to Main <br />Street, and if the Odd Fellows Building was to come down, <br />that resolved that problem. If the Odd Fellows Building <br />stayed Lp, we would have had to work around it in some <br />other manner. Your article on renovation of buildings <br />in Chicago is great and it's very accurate, but I would <br />like to note one paragraph. It says here that that <br />space goes for a 82 -100 dollars a square foot, and I <br />can assure you that is not South Bend's market and those <br />buildings were not being saved in Chicago either until <br />it got Lp into that area for a while. <br />38 <br />