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South Bend Commission <br />Regular mee �edevelopment <br />ing - December 4, 1981 <br />9. NEXT COPJMISSION MEETING (continued) <br />Mr. Butler: John, I think also you mentioned the Kresge <br />Buildinc and the Oliver Building. Now both of those were <br />demolis ed under private ownership, the private sector had <br />an opportunity in those two cases. <br />Mr. McMahon: I would like to note that the condition that <br />the Odd Fellows Building is in did not all happen in two <br />years. The building continued to deteriorate and the pri- <br />vate ownership found that they were not in the position to <br />affect he repair. Now that's not true on every building <br />in the entury Mall Block. Certainly the Sherland Building <br />is an a ample of just exactly the opposite. The Commission <br />has nev r had an intention, I believe, of just acquiring . <br />everything down there for the sake of demolishing it. What <br />we have acquired and demolished are those buildings that <br />have deteriorated after they have not been addressed through <br />that pr vate enterprise system. There are two classic ex- <br />amples of one going one way and one going the other way. <br />Hr. But er: The old American Bank Building, American <br />PJationa Bank Building, is another example similar to the <br />Sherlan . It's an island out there, it has been maintained <br />by its' owners. <br />i1r. Voo de: I have tried to temper my comments. I have <br />tried not to get too emotional because admittedly I can't <br />presuppose or be so presumptious as to think that I can <br />see things more clearly than you who have put all the work <br />in on it. But, nonetheless, right now I feel disappointed. <br />Flr. Butler: John, one thing that has not been said in <br />respons to Tom's criticism of the staff, good faith and <br />compete ice. This staff, I think the amount of time spent, <br />is ampl evidence of the good faith effort to save that <br />buildin With respect to competence, the staff does not <br />need an kudos from me or really anybody else, but that's <br />a broke record. Tom says that... <br />Mr. Nim z: Tom is a good debater. You were there the <br />other n'ght when he said the place for the bus company is <br />the old South Shore Line. Now he's changed his tune. <br />Mr. Voo de: If that were the case, my mother would never <br />be able to take public transportation because she couldn't <br />stand t e three block walk to shop at Robertson's. <br />Mr. Nim z: I don't know if I mentioned the other night or <br />not, but in the public hearing we had concerning some more <br />blight iere, I am sorry to say Janet Allen said the place <br />is the ld Union Depot for the bus. You know, this is how <br />some pe ple think. Why you would kill off the merchants. <br />3 e. <br />