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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing - December 4, 1981 <br />8. PP.OGRES1 REPORTS (continued) <br />This is 17 different instances where something has taken <br />place a d it's not Bureau of Housing funds necessarily <br />and ver positive reaction from the neighborhood, an in- <br />vestment in upkeeping of a number of those homes that <br />hasn't Yeally been made over the recent years. Our de- <br />sire to affect to improve the quality of the housing in <br />that neighborhood is starting to swing that way. We are <br />really leased to be able to say that at this point, <br />we're t ere already. <br />Mr. Nim z: I am sorry Mr. McGann left because we are not <br />all bad you know. I think you know we're doing some <br />things that have great credit. <br />9. NEXT C%MISISON MEETING <br />Mr. McMahon: I have nothing else Mr. Nimtz, other than <br />to request the Commission consider a special meeting for <br />Tuesday. We would hopefully be addressing some Redevelop- <br />ment issues surrounding the Ethanol Plant at that time <br />and some other related matters with this demolition thing, <br />providing that there is no hitch on it. We can sign that <br />award that was made today. <br />Mr. Nim z: I think I'm available. The only time I am <br />tied up is 2:00 to 3:00 on Tuesday. <br />Mr. Robinson: Can you make it some other day? I can't <br />make it on Tuesday. I will be in Indianapolis. Monday <br />is a heck of a lot better than Tuesday. <br />Ms. Auburn: I don't think I can make it anytime on <br />Tuesday, but I've got a bad week next week. Monday <br />morning. <br />Mr. McMahon: How's Wednesday? <br />Mr. Butler: Paula, does it make any difference to you? <br />Mr. Nim z: Pete, what's your situation? <br />Mr. Donaldson: Wednesday would be better than Monday for <br />me. <br />Mr. Nim z: How about Wednesday for you Robby? <br />Mr. Robinson: Well, that's better than Tuesday. Tuesday <br />is an impossibility. <br />34 <br />