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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee Jedevelopment <br />ing - December 4, 1981 <br />8. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />Mrs. Kolata: I know who got some of them. Torok and <br />David Eck from Mishawaka got some of them, and I believe <br />that's 1he primary two that have gotten bids. They have, <br />in turn subcontracted out to Bradberry. <br />Mr. McMahon: Mr. Donaldson, I would assume that your <br />office would be notified simply because you have to.keep <br />track o where they are taking those things. If you'd <br />like, I would ask Ann to check with Kathy Barnard. <br />Mr. Donaldson: That's what I aria trying to get to because <br />is they any stipulation in these contracts they have to <br />take this to an approved site? <br />Mr. McMahon: It's a standard substandard demolition con- <br />tract a d that language I know is in that. I would assume <br />that it's been applied to these. I have no reason to be- <br />lieve tat it isn't, but we would-be more than happy to <br />check or it. If the weather holds we hope that they'll <br />all be cone within the next two weeks. <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you. <br />Ms. Auburn: Are we still working, is.Historic Landmarks <br />still down there? Are we still working on it? I saw <br />some of the renderings that are out on the wall - they're <br />very nice. <br />Mr. Nim z: Mr. Conley is... <br />Ms. Aub rn: I also drove through and recognized, I <br />think, lenda's house has got new siding on it, and the <br />house n xt to you has got new siding on it. <br />Mrs. He nandez: The City money did have a ripple effect. <br />Mr. Butler: Trickle down. <br />Ms. Auburn: It looks nice. <br />Mr. McM hon: Well, you know, it's really something that the <br />neighbo hood is to be commended for. The response has <br />again b en faster and quicker than we thought. There are <br />17 diff rent buildings in the area north of Bronson Street <br />that ha e had activity initiated on them with respect to <br />exterio repairs, and perhaps there's a few interior re- <br />pairs. I'd have to go down the list. We just received it <br />the oth r day and it's their money, for the most part. <br />33 <br />