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South Bend Redevelopment Comriission <br />Regular Meeting — December 4, 1981 <br />9. NEXT COI MISSION MEETING (continued) <br />Mr. Nim z: Well, we could always meet over at Robby's <br />office, couldn't we? <br />Mr. Robinson: Anytime. I wouldn't want you to get some <br />stigma... <br />Mr. Nim z: 9:00 Wednesday. I hope I'm available. I NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />think that I am. <br />Mr. Robinson: 9:00 Wednesday. That's the 9th, correct? <br />Ms. Auburn: I am sorry that I are not going to be able to <br />be at that meeting, because that's when you're going to <br />act on tie demolition bids. <br />Mr. McMa on: I believe the action was taken subject to <br />legal approval. <br />Ms. Auburn: I assume that there will be some more people <br />from the public to speak about the Odd Fellows Building. I <br />think after spending 2 -1/2 to 3 years on looking at that, <br />that I an very comfortable with the decision that we've <br />reached. I think we've looked at every alternative that's <br />possible and I'm not uncomfortable with my personal de- <br />cision a it relates to that building. <br />Mr. McMa on: Just a question I have, was the action taken <br />today ju t subject to your approval? <br />Mr. Butl r: Yes. <br />Mr. McMa on: So the action was taken today. The question <br />would no,... <br />Ms. Aubu n: I suspect there will be some more people <br />that wil come back on Wednesday and that we'll have some <br />more public discussion. <br />Ms. Derb ck: I was going to ask that too, but can we say <br />that this is the action if legal counsel... <br />Mr. Nimt : If the bid's in order. <br />Mr. Butl r: If that bid is in order, yes. <br />Ms. Derb ck: If the bid is in order, then what? The <br />motion today... <br />35 <br />