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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing - December 4, 1981 <br />7. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />Mr. Nim z: Contrary, no. That is carried. So ordered. <br />Thank you. Congratulations, sir. <br />Nr. Roland: Thank you, sir, I appreciate it. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Next. <br />8. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. McMahon: Under progress reports I would simply PROGRESS REPORTS <br />like to note that some months ago we did ask the Com- <br />mission for permission to pursue some additional clean- <br />up activities over in the Monroe - Sample area. The <br />Commission asked that they be informed when that came <br />to an e d. I would like to note that the clean -up <br />crew worked in the area from October 1 through Novem- <br />ber 25. During that time they cleaned approximately <br />114 pro erties and, in addition, they addressed the <br />interior problems of about 18 houses that needed some <br />code en orcement, just debris and such that was there. <br />We have, as a result of having gone through that <br />effort End some of our recent demolition effort, re- <br />duced t e need for those additional people to be <br />assignec to the area or employed by us for that <br />specific purpose. From this point forward the re- <br />gular code enforcement crew feels that they are in a <br />positior to address whatever trash or debris problems <br />that accumulate in the area. We no longer are deal- <br />ing wit a problem of the size that we had to expend <br />any additional funds. <br />We have awarded, also I'd like to note, for you, bids <br />for demolition for 44 structures in the Monroe - Sample <br />area on November 2 and November 16, and I would like <br />to note that as of the end of last month, 15 of those <br />were taken down and the process is continuing. hope- <br />fully t e firebug that has been down there doesn't <br />get to 11 of them before we do. <br />Mr. Donaldson: Who got the bids? <br />Mr. McM hon: The bids went to a number of indivi- <br />duals. We did it through the Substandard Office <br />process, they were all offered individually. <br />Mr. Ni <br />. Do you know who got it? <br />32 <br />