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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />7. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />Mr. McM hon: The operator of the building is Color Tile, <br />the ten lealty nt. The actual entity that submitted the bid is <br />Habert Company, Inc., and fir`. Roland is a principal. <br />Mr. Rob nson: Mr. Roland, might I ask if there is any kind <br />of stru ture on either one of these lots presently. <br />Mr. Rol nd: There are four houses on Lot 2 which we will <br />have to demolish and grade and put in compliance with what- <br />ever th Redevelopment Commission desires. <br />Mr. Robinson: That's the reason I asked. I have been down <br />there t ree or four times and made the complete tour and I <br />knew th re were a lot of buildings that probably weren't <br />worth saving. They were a lot of them condemned. <br />Mr. McM hon: Not unlike the parcel that we conveyed to <br />Beardsl y. We are doing this with the structures on it <br />and it stated that that's the responsibility of the pur- <br />chaser to take them down. <br />Mr. Nim z: All right. What's the pleasure of the Commis- <br />sion? think the proper motion, Mr. Butler, would be that <br />we acce t the bids of - what is the exact bidder? <br />Mr. r1cm hon: Habert, that's H- A- R- B- E -R -T, Realty Co., <br />Inc. <br />Mr. Nimtz: In the amount... <br />Mr. McM�hon: $50 for Parcel No. 2... <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you, Mr. Butler. <br />Mr. Robinson: So moved. <br />Ms. Aub rn: Support. <br />Mr. Nim z: Any further question or discussion? Yes, sir? <br />Mr. Robinson: The difference in price, is that because <br />of the ifferent size in the lots? <br />Mr. McMOon: That is correct. <br />Mr. NIm z: Any further question or discussion? All in <br />favor signify by saying aye. <br />Commissioners: Aye. <br />31 <br />COMMISSION AWARDED BIDS <br />FOR DISPOSITION PARCEL <br />NOS. 2 and 3 IN THE MONROE- <br />SAMPLE DEVELOPMENT AREA TO <br />MR. HARVEY ROLAND <br />