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South Bend qedevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ling - December 4, 1981 <br />7. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />talked vith Mr. Roland about our general intentions in that <br />area so th of Bronson Street to improve the quality and <br />charact r of the area from a light industrial standpoint. <br />Mr. Roland has indicated that he agrees that the program <br />that we have pursued is of benefit to not only potential <br />porpert Uh wners doom in that area, but to existing property <br />owners as himself and we are pleased that. <br />Mr. Nim z: Excuse me. Councilman Szymkowiak, come on in. <br />Walter, won't you sit down sir. <br />Mr. Nim z: We are pleased that our plans down in the Mon- <br />roe -Sam le area have been in dealing with Mr. Roland have <br />come al ng in a manner which allows him to expand his ex- <br />isting peration and to improve the property that he cur- <br />rently iolds and reflects an investment that he has had for <br />some time. Mr. Roland is here and can certainly address <br />this mu h better than I. Mr. Roland, we'd be pleased to <br />have anything that you desire to say. <br />Mr. Roland: I thank the Redevelopment Commission for work- <br />ing with me and giving us the opportunity of acquiring this <br />property. We are very pleased with the way things are going <br />because I have been i.n South Bend now 35 years and my busi- <br />ness has always been in this area and we thought it would <br />be very very well. We bought the old Indiana Lumber Company <br />about 10 years ago and remodeled it to where our present <br />business is because we were moved out of Block Six. We had <br />a very find building in Block Six. We believe in being <br />good property owners and good tax payers and good citizens <br />of the dommunity. Ply business has always been at an <br />industr al level and so we have maintained a very <br />file as far as people knowing who we are and what we are <br />doing, ut we are very happy that we did come to South <br />Bend an we have made a living and raised our family here. <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you, sir. Pleased to have you here and <br />you've eared us criticized this monring. Mr. Wiggins was <br />on the ommission 15 years, I think, and took it for a long <br />time. I think we've bottomed out and we're on the upswing <br />and as 3ou know, we've already sold Parcel 1, this is 2 and <br />3, and e're in the process of getting bids on Parcel 4, so <br />you will not be alone down there. Things are moving forward <br />sir. <br />Mr. Roland: Very good. <br />Ms. Auburn: I am sorry, but I missed the name of the <br />busines . <br />30 <br />