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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />4. RECEIPTIAND OPENING OF BIDS FOR DEMOLITION CONTRACT NO. 43 (continued) <br />Mr. Nim z: Your motion stands then. <br />Mr. Robinson: Yes sir. <br />Mr. McM hon: I would like to make one note. We will have <br />a speci 1 meeting next week to deal with some other busi- <br />ness anc this could be placed on the agenda. Perhaps a <br />rephrasing of the motion so that legal counsel has an <br />opportu ity to review it would be something along the line <br />that we recommend that action be taken to award to the <br />low bid er, next Tuesday, based on legal review. <br />Mr. Robinson: Fine. <br />Mr. Nim z: Will you withdraw your motion? <br />Mr. Robinson: Yes. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Will you withdraw your second? <br />Mr. Donaldson: Yes. <br />Mr. Nimt : All right, restate your motion please. <br />Mr. Robi son: I'd like to make a motion that we accept <br />the Lowe t bidder upon approval from counsel. <br />Mr. Dona dson: Support. <br />Mr. Nimt : And with the recommendation of the staff. <br />Mr. Robinson: And with the recommendation of the staff. <br />Mr. Nimt z: Is there any further question or discussion? <br />Questions on the passing of the motion? All in favor <br />signify by saying aye. <br />Commissioners: Aye. <br />Mr. Ni.mtt: Contrary, no. That is carried. So ordered. <br />Ms. Aubu�n: When is the special meeting? <br />Mr. Nimt�: We will set that later. <br />Mr. NcMamon: I believe that will be Tuesday. <br />27 <br />BID OF RITSCHARD BROTHERS, <br />INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$101,930, WAS APPROVED <br />SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND <br />APPROVAL BY LEGAL COUNSEL <br />