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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />4. RECEIPT�AND OPENING OF BIDS FOR DEMOLITION CONTRACT NO-.__43 (continued) <br />Mr. Nimfz: Later on the agenda. Any other communications? <br />Mr. McM4hon: No, we have no other communications. <br />6. OLD BUSINESS <br />Mr. Nim z: Old business? <br />Mr. McM hon: No old business. <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />Mr. Nimtz: New business? <br />THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />TO PRESENT TO THE COMMISSIOP <br />Mr. McM hon: We have a request that is in front of the <br />Commission to approve two South Bend Home Improvement <br />Loans, one is at 222 South Chicago in the amount of <br />$7,350, and one at 1133 Cleveland in the amount of <br />$205. <br />Mr. Nim z: Ms. Baumgartner, let's get on to something <br />else he e, come up here please. <br />Ms. Ba lgartner: Both contractors are the lowest bidder, <br />we do r commend that you award them to. <br />Mr. Nim z: While you Councilmen are here, I want to com- <br />mend this young lady in your presence for the job she is <br />doing a d has done. She is on the ball. She can talk con- <br />structs n with Robby here and I think she is one of the <br />best di ectors we've had. <br />Mr. McG nn: No argument from us. <br />Mr. Nim z: I don't know what her politics are, but I pre- <br />sume they are opposite than mine. <br />Ms. Der beck: Most of them area <br />Mr. Nim z: You weren't at the City Council meeting but, <br />no that was executive, when Bob Taylor said that he was <br />the oth r Republican. Do I hear a motion that these be <br />accepte . <br />