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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />4. RECEIPTIAND OPENING OF BIDS FOR DEMOLITION CONTRACT NO. 43 (continued) <br />around 4220,000. So the spread on bids, we have a number <br />of people from the demolition area here, if they would <br />like to question why there is such a large spread when- <br />ever YOL see demolition bids, it's a science I certainly <br />don't u derstand. <br />Mr. Nim z: Apparently, right now, Ritschards' the low <br />bidder, is that right? <br />Mr. McMahon: Th'e, apparent low bidder would be Ritschard <br />at $101,930, and that is within a few dollars of the bid <br />that wa received a few years ago. <br />Mr. Nim z: What is the pleasure of the Commission. <br />Mr. Robinson: I'll make a motion that we accept Ritschard's <br />bid for demolition. <br />Mr. Don ldson: Supported. <br />Mr. Robinson: May I make a comment, sir, before <br />Mr'. Nim z: Robby, these have not been referred to legal <br />counsel for approval or I don't know whether all the non- <br />collusion affidavits and so on are there or not. I think <br />the usual procedure is that they would be referred to <br />legal counsel for review and the staff will report. It's <br />up to y u, all I do is run this, I don't vote unless there's <br />a tie. So. <br />Mr. Robinson: Could I make just a brief statement. <br />Mr. Nim z: Surely. <br />Mr. Robinson: Okey. The reason I made this motion, I <br />know that even though construction's down and work is <br />terriblE in our community, ,I know that you can't continue <br />to go tc the private industry and continue to ask them to <br />make bi s and quotes and using their personnel and going <br />to great expense, that you can't continually keep going <br />to the well asking for bids and then all of a sudden you <br />supposedly keep throwing out the bids because you've got <br />a better offer. It does create a terrible expense upon <br />the employer and at this day and age, for no more profit <br />than he gets to make because it is so darn competitive, <br />I would say we're asking these people to go above and <br />beyond. This makes the second time that I know of. <br />26 <br />