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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing - December 4, 1981 <br />4. R'tCEIPTJAND OPENING-OF-BIDS FOR DEMOLITION CONTRACT NO. 43 (continued) <br />We have the bid by Ritschard Brothers, again a local <br />contrac or, in the amount of $101,930. There's no <br />alterna e bid, am I correct? <br />Unknown: Yeh, there's a sheet with the alternate. <br />Mr. McMahon: Okey. In order to do it with demolition, <br />we would add $52,986, with explosives rather. <br />Mr. Robinson: Add or is that... <br />Mr. McMahon: That would be additional, an additional <br />$52,986 would be added to the base bid. <br />Mr. Donaldson: Excuse me, where is this O'Rourke from? <br />Where aye they from? <br />Mrs. Kolata: Cincinnati <br />Mr. Donaldson: Cincinnati? <br />Mr. McMahon: National Wrecking Company, they're out of <br />Chicago, the base bid is $206,000, and I do not believe <br />that th y have bid an alternate. Am I correct? Is there <br />anyone ere form National? There's no in that portion of <br />the bid form that's reserved for comments, there's no <br />mention of an alternate bid. <br />Woodruf and Sons of Michigan City. The base bid for <br />Woodruf is in the amount of $165,760, the alternate bid <br />includi g use of explosives is $158,360. <br />The last bid that we received is from Dore and Associates, <br />Bay Cit , Michigan. Their base bid is in the amount of <br />$194,39C, with explosives there would be a deduction of <br />$6,600 from that figure. <br />Mr. Robinson: Six thousand what? <br />Mr. McM hon: $6,600 from that figure. <br />Unknown <br />Mr. McMe <br />an incrE <br />spread c <br />which we <br />for demc <br />the sprE <br />Some add, some subtract. <br />hon: In some cases the use of explosives causes <br />ase in cost and some a decrease in cost.. The <br />n bids, I would note, is very similar to that <br />s received the first time that this was advertised <br />lition over a year ago. At that time I believe <br />ad on bids was from $102,000 up to something <br />25 <br />