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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNICATIONS (continued) <br />shoddy looking place. The old boiler house, many people, <br />includi g my attorney, God bless him, said Tom, you <br />gotta tar that thing down, that's awful. We went in <br />with fire hoses and cleaned all the old soot off of it, <br />we took out everything, and it is now converted into two <br />small t eatres that are very, very successful. So I <br />guess w at I am trying to say to this Commission is if <br />you are attorneys or in other walks of life, don't dabble <br />where y u don't know what you are talking about, and here <br />you don t know what you are talking about. Now, finally, <br />I think at $2.5 of new construction in the next 6 to 12 <br />months would be a walking shot -in- the -arm, and I would <br />defer to my good friend, Mr. Robinson, to say yes or no- <br />on that but that's what we can bring to the community. <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you, Brooks. The only thing you left <br />out is that Letha and I eat there frequently. I am going <br />to recognize Mr. Rich Hill, the City Attorney, if he has <br />anything to say, and I think we'll conclude this. Rich, <br />did you,.. <br />Mr. Hil : No, I really don't, there's a few legal mat- <br />ters th t Kevin and I discussed in terms of the ramifica- <br />tions a d I wrote them down. Kevin can best address those. <br />Thank Y u. <br />Mr. Cos ello: I'm Ralph Costello, I'm not from the country, <br />all I've got invested here is 10 bucks that I came up with <br />cause I want to make a buck. I was going to try and demolish <br />the bui ding, okey. <br />Mr. Ni4 z: Well, we haven't opened bids, now don't jeo- <br />pardize your situation. <br />Mr. Cos <br />buildin <br />demolis <br />buildin <br />okey, a <br />ing - -re <br />around <br />buildin <br />I am no <br />have do <br />like to <br />of your <br />;ello: I backed out, okey. I went through the <br />and I really, my heart hurts to see us try to <br />i this building because it is one whale of a nice <br />1. Now wait just a minute. I'm in construction, <br />id it's an architectural - -I hate to see this build - <br />tlly seriously - -I went and spent one day running <br />;rying to find someone who would invest in the <br />and take it over. And I have no ax to grind here, <br />; from your coontry,I also want to commend you, you <br />ie a nice job on your downtown roots here. I'd <br />go up in the St. Joe Bank and look out and see some <br />town here, but I think personally I feel you're <br />W4 <br />