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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNI ATIONS (continued) <br />first -class dump. I talked to them for years about re- <br />modelin , and they said there wasn't much they could do <br />with thE building, it's built on 9 -foot centers, 9 feet <br />wide, a d...tried to get around your desk, 30 feet long, <br />you could have an office 30 x 30, but there wasn't any - <br />thing else you could do with it. The heating system <br />was terrible even after they converted from City heat to <br />private heat- never turned the register on on the second <br />floor facing the JMS Building, you couldn't open the <br />windows because of the noise ... echoed off the JMS Build- <br />ing. T ere was so much heat escaping through the walls <br />and pips that I turned the air - conditioner on all winter <br />long, all winter, believe me, even when it was below <br />zero, it was the most uncomfortable 20 years I ever spent <br />in my life. One thing that I could say for the building, <br />the price was right for what you got. I think it's an <br />eyesore to the City, it has no history whatsoever. I'm <br />a member of this community... It has no historic value <br />and I t ink we would be better off with it going down. <br />Thank y u. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Thank you, Mr. Ettl. <br />Mr. Bra emas: Mr. President, I must respond. The centers <br />are 15-loot on centers, not 9 -foot on centers. I have the <br />engineering drawings to show that and, again, I think this <br />is clas is and I am glad that Mr. Ettl has spoken out. <br />With all due respect, he is obviously a honored citizen <br />here in the community, but he is an attorney and I would <br />suggest that I don't know very much about law, although <br />my legal counsel tells me that I have got to stop trying <br />to practice law, and I'm trying to do that. It is clear, <br />Mr. Ettl, with all due respect, that you don't know any- <br />thing a out architecture and you don't know anything <br />abour reconstruction, and this is my field and I can tell <br />you I dc know what I am talking about and that building <br />is full3 feasible of being rehabilitated and it would be <br />an entire new air - conditioning and heating system through- <br />out the building. The building would be refurbished <br />complet ly from top to bottom, two new high -speed elevators <br />would b put in. You would not recognize the interior of <br />the bui ding from what is there now. If you had come and <br />looked it the Ice House Restaurant before we went in, a <br />dirt floor, pigeons and bats flying all around, the walls <br />were sc ling all off and so forth. Today it has character, <br />it is s ccessful, and I would question that anyone in this <br />room co Id come over there and say that this is kind of a <br />21 <br />