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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNIOATIONS (continued) <br />doing t e wrong thing by trying to demolish the build- <br />ing. It is a very sound building, better built than <br />about five of the other buildings you can look out <br />through here, and looking from the plans it's got one <br />helluva deep foundation and I don't want to dig it out. <br />It's ve y well built and I hate to see it destroyed, <br />and I h ve nothing to gain or lose with you really, suit <br />yoursel es. <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you. Unless there are objections from <br />the Mem ers of the Commission, we will proceed to open <br />bids. <br />4. RECEIPTIAND OPENING OF BIDS <br />R DEMOLITION CONTRACT NO. 43 <br />Mr. Butler: Mr. Chairman, perhaps while I am opening <br />these bids and taking a quick look at them to review the <br />legal s fficiency, I'd like to make a statement for the <br />record. I have said to the Members of the Commission <br />and to the staff for a number of months now that the Odd <br />Fellows Building is a serious liability risk for the City <br />of South Bend. It has deteriorated to a point where it <br />has become such a serious risk. Something has to be <br />done, i has to be done immediately. The alternatives <br />are the repairs, and it is my understanding that the re- <br />pairs n cessary to secure the building in such a way to <br />eliminate that risk would be in the vicinity of $150,000. <br />Within that first alternative there are a number of <br />options with respect to who is to pay for those neces- <br />sary re airs. The second alternative, of course, is the <br />demolition. Something does have to be done, a decision <br />does ha e to be made with respect to these alternatives <br />immediately. If the Commission were to decide to wait <br />the 90 cays, we cannot wait 90 days to accomplish the <br />repairs that are necessary, those have to be made immed- <br />iately and, of course, a decision would have to be made <br />as to w ere the money is going to come from. <br />Mr. Nim z: Mr. Hill. <br />Mr. Hill: I want to confirm the concern from the stand- <br />point of liability to consider that the downtown area <br />would be the biggest potential for such a liability in <br />that particles of the building were falling down on the <br />street and, as this Commission knows, the Commission is <br />self-insured, meaning that we do have limitations in <br />terms o funds that are available to pay for general <br />liability. And should the building not come down, that <br />should be addressed and confirmed. Kevin's comment <br />that th building should be secured from the standpoint <br />23 <br />BIDS WERE OPENED FOR <br />DEMOLITION CONTRACT NO. <br />43 (ODD FELLOWS BUILDING) <br />