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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNISATIONS (continued) <br />meeting and I won't read the whole article, but one <br />paragra h here reads: "a major reason to go forward <br />with this, with commercial condos, is a change in the <br />tax law this year that is expected to make the con- <br />cept more attractive to purchasers. The change allows <br />for faster depreciation and the ability to claim in- <br />vestment tax credits in old rehabilitated buildings." <br />I belie e that was Mr. Raker's concept or at least a <br />mix of condos and in the he was your, he had sole <br />negotiating rights at one point. This would seem to <br />lend even more strength to that kind of an approach, <br />if you sere going to reconsider. I think that one <br />more conment might be that I don't question the moti- <br />vation or the rationale the Redevelopment Commission <br />has usec over the years in trying to make Downtown <br />South Bend a better place. It does, I would ask though <br />how man among us at this point, and maybe hindsight <br />is clearer, would not like to see the old Library <br />buildin , the old City Hall, perhaps even Kresge`s, <br />and I might be stretching the point because it was <br />such a large structure, but even the Oliver Hotel, <br />now rehabilitated and still functioning in one use <br />or anot er. I think there are far more communities <br />around the country now that are doing what are really <br />amazing things by rehabilitation rather than by knock- <br />ing thi gs down and then looking for investment capi- <br />tal to come in and do things. I am not saying you <br />should Embrace one exclusively of another, but there <br />seems tc be once you knock something down, it's for- <br />ever gore, and both approaches need to be considered. <br />I'll pass this article from the Tribune around if any- <br />one would care to look at it. <br />Mr. Nim z: I want to conclude this. Thank you very <br />much, Councilman, for being here. Mr. Ettl contacted <br />me yesterday and asked to be recognized today. Re- <br />cognize a senior member of the Bar, Joseph Ettl. <br />Mr. Ett' <br />little k <br />good fr- <br />privy. <br />thought <br />neighbor <br />Fellows <br />All I ci <br />in excel <br />the Odd <br />. I got here a little late so I might be a <br />it out of line, I hope not, but I heard my <br />end Don Wiggins say that somebody had to be <br />I didn't know what he meant because I always <br />that a privy was out in the back yard in my <br />hood, and that's about the place that Odd <br />Building is today. It's out in my back yard. <br />n say is that I have been a member of the Bar <br />s of 40 years and spent a good many years in <br />Fellows Building, and it's a dump. It's a <br />20 <br />