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South Bend qedevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing — December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNICATIONS (continued) <br />Mr. Nim z: The Chair will call a halt to this. We've <br />heard.. you know. Does anybody else want to say some- <br />thing? <br />Unknown Yes. <br />Mr. Nim z: Oh, excuse me, I didn't know you were here. <br />Mr. McG nn: I'd just like to make reference back to the <br />letters which I submitted and Councilman Voorde submit- <br />ted. T ere are five names on those two letters of Mem- <br />bers of the Common Council and attempting to secure sig- <br />natures we had trouble coordinating work schedules, <br />otherwi e we would have had more than that. I would <br />say at 1his point that the only person of the nine,: the <br />only me ber of the Council out of 9 that is definitely <br />opposed to this is Mr. Taylor, so I would say that <br />either informal or impassive support, eight members of <br />the Cou cil are in support of a... <br />Mr. Nilz: Well, of course Mr. Serge told me the other <br />night t{�at he was not for it, I don't know. <br />Mr. McG4nn: Well, he told me the opposite, so. <br />Mr. Nim z: Mr. Voorde, Councilman Voorde, excuse me, <br />I didn' know you were here Mr. President. <br />Mr. Voorde: It's all right. Mr. Ni:mtz and Members of <br />the Comnission, the letter I wrote obviously asked the <br />Commission to take another look to perhaps with a dif- <br />ferent ferspective based on some factors that may have <br />been em hasized or brought to light at the meeting last <br />Monday. One of the questions I asked in the letter was <br />would T ANSPO lose their money if a 90 -day or some other <br />term of time, if some delay were granted, and I might <br />say too that its never been my intent that TRANSPO, or <br />my desi e, that TRANSPO shouldn't be downtown approxi- <br />mate to the Century Mall. I just feel that they could <br />be adequately served in any number of locations in this <br />general area and, therefore, question whether or not <br />they sp cifically need the Odd Fellows site to proceed. <br />And the other thing is, I have a newspaper article that <br />I was j st recently, that was printed in the Chicago <br />Tribune December 2, written by the Real Estate Editor <br />there, and it seems to support the development of down- <br />town office buildings as condominiums, and that was one <br />of the uggestions that was made at last Monday night's <br />19 <br />