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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing — December 4, 1961 <br />5. COMMUNISATIONS (continued) <br />Mr. Nimtz: Thank you, Don. <br />Mrs. Br okins: I would like to clarify, what are you say- <br />ing thal I said, sir. <br />Mr. Wiggins: You are saying that the City should not de- <br />molish anything, invest in anything unless something... <br />Mrs. Br okins: I said the Redevelopment Commisiion should <br />not dem lish anything unless it has reason to suppose, well <br />unless it has a definite commitment. <br />Mr. Wig ins: Unless the thing can be replaced with some- <br />thing oi more value, right? <br />Mrs. Br okins: More tax generating value. I think this <br />is a ba is sensible part of enterprise. You don't tear <br />down so ething unless you have something better to replace <br />it with I think this is the basic sensible part of en- <br />terpris . You don't take on something unless you have <br />somethi g definite. <br />Mr. Wiggins: We aren't talking about private enterprise, <br />we are ialking about the City of South Bend. <br />Mrs. Br okins: I didn't know you were a socialist, sir. <br />Mr. Wiggins: I'm not a socialist. <br />Mrs. Br okins: Private enterprise is not a system of <br />anarchy. <br />Mr. Nim z: All right. <br />Mr. Wig ins: Are you opposed to government or what? <br />Mrs. Brookins: I'm opposed to the Redevelopment Commis - <br />sion's fast policies. <br />Mr. Wiggins: I gathered that. <br />Mrs. Brookins: And I think that all one requires is <br />eyes to see how ineffectual and how unwise they have <br />been anc I, sir, think that if the evidence is before <br />you, we have a Century Mall Place and no Century Mall. <br />