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South Bend qedevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing — December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNISATIONS (continued) <br />Mr. Bra4emas: There is no abatement on that building? <br />Mr. McM hon: There is an abatement on that building as <br />there i in every building in the R -66 area that comes <br />up for onstruction or substantial improvement, includ- <br />ing the Odd Fellows. <br />Mr. Nim z: Mr. Wiggins, I see you here. Do you want <br />to spea as to your competency as a former President <br />of the iommission? <br />Mr. Wiggins: I recognize'Tom Brademas here, and Tom <br />has.beeri one of the leading people in this country, I <br />think, in planning and in taking advantage of the <br />whole b siness of redevelopment. He has been a con- <br />sultant to many communities, set up redevelopment de- <br />partments, established a firm that was in this business <br />and successfully sold the firm to somebody else, and I <br />am surprised that Tom hasn't responded to the remarks <br />that Mrs. Brookins just made. Because what she has <br />said here is the complete opposite of what redevelop- <br />ment was intended to be. What she is saying is that <br />we should let this thing go until every building is <br />completely torn down and fallen in of its own accord <br />and then it will rebuild, and I think that possibly <br />would h ppen. But the whole idea of this was that <br />communities could not afford to have this process take <br />place. qow there is some loss involved in some ways of <br />thinkin , but the loss that's involved is certainly <br />less to the community as a whole, and it does regenerate, <br />and that is what it's all about. The history of the <br />Odd Fellows Building has been rather varied, but the <br />thing hits been kind of a white elephant for a great <br />many years and there is a very good possibility that <br />it stil will be. I would like to suggest to the <br />Commiss on, if it is appropriate, that should you elect <br />to grant the 90 days and go ahead with this, that all <br />of the -nformation involved in this, the finance plan, <br />all the rest of it, including the subsidy by the City <br />be made a matter of public record and make sure that <br />everybody knows because we have a position here where very <br />many people who are not privy to the real gust of what's <br />happening, are trying to make decisions or influence de- <br />cisions and the scripture Ephisians tells us that if the <br />blind leads the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. <br />I'm afraid that's the very area that we're getting into <br />here. It also gets down to that business when we were <br />kids, if you didn't like the way something came out, you <br />tried iz again, you know, best 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5, <br />5 out o .7, it goes on forever. At some point a deci- <br />sion ha to be made. <br />17 <br />