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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNJI ATIONS (continued) <br />Mrs. Brookins: I would like to recommend that this Com- <br />mission not demolish the Odd Fellows Building for the <br />followi g reasons, and I would like this to be a general <br />policy Edopted by this Commission and,hopefully, the new <br />Commission will be thinking along these lines: Basically, <br />is if it can be fixed, if it ain't broke don't fix it. <br />Waste n t, want not, and this resolution would be of the <br />followi g order: Resolve not to demolish anything unless <br />tax pro ucing construction of greater value is committed, <br />and abs lutely committed to that location that will be of <br />greater tax producing value than that which is demolished. <br />Now this is a general, theoretical statement, but I think <br />that if this Commission adopted this policy we would not <br />be face with the corn fields of Downtown South Bend, and <br />I think that I would recommend strongly that as a Redevelop- <br />ment Commission, you have failed terribly in this procedure, <br />you haVE not replaced tax producing things that in fact <br />are on the tax rolls with something that will be on the tax <br />rolls. Now my understanding was that the Odd Fellows Build- <br />ing at some point in the {past, and I do not know what <br />point, ad an assessed valuation of $300,000. It is also <br />my unde standing that the TRANSPO thing will be tax free. <br />as such you would be most unwise and, in fact, unprofes- <br />sional to demolish something that is capable of increas- <br />ing our taxes, our tax revenues at a very little risk to <br />this Commission, I must say and a great benefit. I think <br />you haVE basically a no lose solution, you can simply do <br />what we suggest. And I would again I will meet with you, <br />Mr. Nim z, and we can work on this resolution and I would <br />hope that you would it under serious consideration as a <br />guiding policy of the Redevelopment Commission. <br />Mr. Nim z: Well, we're not going to get into a lot of <br />answers on this thing, but I presume that the First Bank - <br />Marriot Center is on the tax roll. Is that right? <br />Mr. McMahon: Yes, <br />Mr. Nim z: Do you have any idea what the assessed <br />valuati n is? <br />Mr. McM <br />assesses <br />time, bi <br />constru <br />somethi <br />hon: No, I do not, because it has not been fully <br />since it is just coming up for assessment at this <br />t it represents approximately $30 million worth of <br />tion, at say a 1/3 ratio in a 10% rate, that's <br />g in the range of $3 million. <br />16 <br />