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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular He ting - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNICATIONS (continued) <br />It says, "lower cost of rehabilitation lure commercial de- <br />velopers," it says, "rehabilitating commercial buildings <br />isn't recommended for people with weak nerves. Unforeseen <br />problems have a way of coming up to give building owners <br />sleepless nights, but the economics of rehabilitation sug- <br />gest that the rewards can compensate for headaches," and <br />I am ona who I think has some pretty strong nerves. We <br />know that this can be a very, very, very lucrative project <br />for the City of South Bend, the tax payers of South Bend, <br />and for ourselves as well. We have talked with our finance <br />people and we believe that if we have the 90 days, that we <br />can put this back together and meet all of the requirements <br />and objectives of this Commission. Thank you. <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you. I don't know whether TRANSPO wants <br />to respond or not. Plans and drawings were submitted by <br />them to UMPA, isn't that right? I don't know what you were <br />shown, Mr. Brademas, but certain plans were submitted to <br />UMTA, aiid the approval of their grant and project was based <br />upon th se plans, is that right Mr. Lobdell? <br />Mr. Bragemas: I have those, Mr. President. <br />Mrs. Brookins: I would like to say something. <br />Mr. Nim z: Well now, Mrs. Brookins, if you're going to go <br />into th same thing as you did the other night, we have <br />heard t at. Now, if it's something new, we would be pleased <br />to have You. <br />Mrs. Br okins: Thank you. Why would you doubt that I would <br />wish to speak on the same thing twice. I don't like having <br />my inte rity impugned. <br />Mr. Nim z: Well, as I've said, we are not going to rehash <br />the whole thing as the other evening. <br />Mrs* Brookins: Then don't presume I am going to, you have <br />already stated that once. <br />Mr. Nimtz: I'm just telling you. Proceed. <br />Mrs. Brookins: I think it was improper of you to do so. <br />Mr. Nim z: Then all right, you have a right to your <br />opinion. <br />15 <br />