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South Bend qedevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNIOATIONS (continued) <br />said, w at do you have?" He said, "I would be glad to show <br />you whal we have.` He was very kind and I went down and he <br />gave me xeroxes of three 8 -1 %2 x 11 drawings that had come <br />out of ihe so- called Gruen Report that was done for design <br />plan for Century Mall. On the first one he showed me, it <br />showed he area between Washington and.Jefferson, from Main <br />back ab ut to the space that the TRANSPO now is using, but <br />the area where the GSA Building was to go was shown to be <br />omitted and the area around the Odd Fellows was shown to be <br />omitted with a notation, and this is a matter of public re- <br />cord, sc you can all check and see if and if it is disap- <br />peared t all, I will give you a copy of mine, which clearly <br />says th Odd Fellows Building to be.omitted if it can be <br />saved, ome statement to that effect. <br />Clearly it was in the minds of TRANSPO that their building <br />or theiy situation could be fully and adequately handled <br />even if they didn't get the corner where the GSA Building <br />would gc and if they did not'.get the Odd Fellows Building. <br />Subsequ ntly, he said, "in terms of our application, we had <br />to show them about how much space we would have, and this <br />is what we sent, the exact same drawing that they had made <br />an area on which excluded the GSA Building and the Odd <br />Fellows Building that was sent in-." He then said to me, <br />"but this is what we have now," and that was the latest <br />drawing which shows the Odd Fellows Building being included <br />but going down on Washington Street, and I said to him, <br />"well, why would you do that ?" He said, "well, I am not <br />sure, t is is what the Redevelopment Commission said they <br />wanted LS to have." And I said, "how long have you been in <br />the com unity ?" He said, "well, not too long." I said, <br />"have you been here long enough to know that Washington <br />Street is a one -way street ?" I said, "you mean to tell me <br />that YOL are going to bring all the buses on a one -way <br />street down in front of that new building which is con- <br />stricted down there ?" He said, "well, they haven't really <br />figured that out yet, they haven't hired an architect, they <br />haven't hired an engineer, they really haven't figured it <br />out." So let me summarize on that by saying that in my <br />view, as a trained Planner who's worked a long time with <br />Transportation engineers, the best place for TRANSPO is <br />right in the downtown area, I agree with that. <br />Mr. Nim z: You've changed your position then from the <br />other night. <br />Mr. Bra" <br />to push <br />emas: Well, I am just suggesting that if it comes <br />to shove, that we could move the building if you're <br />12 <br />