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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNISATIONS (continued) <br />going tc tear the Odd Fellows Building down, if that is a <br />pretext for why you've got to have the TRANSPO there. I'm <br />suggesting that as an alternative move it down where you <br />already have cleared land. And certainly my location 'al- <br />ternati e location would be much superior to the configura- <br />tion th t apparently the Redevelopment Commission suggested <br />to TRAM P0. But that could be verified by a competent Traf- <br />fic Engineer and I won't argue that point this morning, <br />other t an to say that the present general layout of the <br />TRANSPO lot is superior to any other configuration that has <br />been sh wn and TRANSPO has gone on record by their drawing <br />as sayi g they do not need the Odd Fellows Building in con- <br />junctior with that. Now, if I may, Mr. Chairman, let me <br />just fi ish my presentation here very, very quickly. <br />Again, 3ou are all wonderful people, you all have your own <br />occupations, mine happens to be in Urban Planning, and I <br />don't b lieve you understand the impact of a building of <br />this ma nitude on retail sales and other aspects in down- <br />town, n t to mention public parking. We've got a garage <br />down he e at Main and Colfax Streets which is going to go <br />belly-u one of these days because no one is using it. Now <br />we woul have 350 -400 people in that building at all times <br />that wo ld be working in there that need to park. We would <br />even talk with the fellow that runs that particular parking <br />garage Ebout making some long -term arrangements to lease us <br />up to 1 0 units in that so that the City would know that <br />they wo ld have that much money coming in. You don't have <br />to take my word for it, go to any competent business leader <br />in down own South Bend and ask them if they believe that <br />the inf Sion of 3 to 400 workers, office type workers in <br />the dow town area would have a very positive impact upon <br />their s les. And I would suggest that possibly a good per- <br />son wou d be Mr. Abrahams, who is the President of Robert- <br />son's, who is also the Chairman of the Downtown South Bend <br />Council and, frankly, I would be willing to stand on what <br />he says If he says absolutely, that it is what we need, <br />I would think that this Commission should take some cog- <br />nizance of that. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Thank you. <br />Mr. Bra emas: Alright, now here is what I am going to ask <br />the Commission before you open your bids, if I may. Just <br />four qu ck points: Number one, I reiterated that we would <br />like the 90 days and I think that the letters from the <br />President of the Commission and Mr. Voorde, Chairman of the <br />Committ e say it better than I can, we should have 90 days. <br />We woul like to have the roof flashings repaired. I have <br />13 <br />